
A vehicle or a station

idStringThe provider id
publicIdStringA visible id. Licence plate or QR code id. This id should help an end user user to identify a vehicule in the street.
latFloatThe vehicle's latitude
lngFloatThe vehicle's longitude
typeVehicleTypeThe object's type
attributes[VehicleAttribute]The vehicle's attributes
propulsionPropulsionTypeThe vehicle's propulsion type
batteryIntThe vehicle battery level percent
deeplinkStringVehicle's deeplink
pricingVehiclePricingVehicle's rental price
availableVehiclesIntNumber of available vehicles
availableStandsIntNumber of available free stands
totalStandsIntTotal of stands
isVirtualBooleanVirtual station are not specific stand for this provider. Could be a simple bikes stand or just a zone
virtualRadiusIntRadius of the virtual station. In meters.
stationNameStringA public name of the station.
vehicles[VehicleInStation]The list of vehicles in the station
stationVehicleDetails[StationVehicleKind]The list of kind of vehicles in the station
carClassCarTypeThe car's type
carModelStringThe car's model. Brand + model.Eg: Renault Zoe